16 / 07 / 2020

"Cheer Youth with Struggle" - Lu Hui's Report on Outdoor Experience Activities

2020 is an extraordinary year. This year carries too much content, not only hardships and struggles, sweat and passion, but also Lu Hui’s firm and steady pace of moving forward.

In order to create a working atmosphere of passion, responsibility and happiness, so that everyone can better devote themselves to the next work, the company specially organized and arranged outdoor experience activities with the theme of "Cheering Youth with Struggle".

At the beginning of the event, the company awarded awards to the warriors who made outstanding contributions and worked hard silently. While fully recognizing everyone's hard work, the company also encouraged everyone with heavy red envelopes.

The following carefully designed team building projects inspired everyone's strong interest and enthusiasm. During the cross-activity experience process, each team gave full play to their team wisdom with different methods. With the joint cooperation of the team members, Conquered one project after another.

"Cheer Youth with Struggle" - Lu Hui's Report on Outdoor Experience Activities

Through each interactive game, everyone has different insights: you must be clear about the rules of the game, and team combat is a chain. You are a link in the chain, and you are indispensable; you must have team awareness and spirit, and every member of the team must work together to achieve a common goal. To achieve a goal; team communication and assistance are important. At the same time, everyone also fully realizes that the same is true for work. Everyone in the team is not only an individual, but also a link in the chain. Therefore, everyone must not only perform their duties but also cooperate with each other and clarify their own roles. What the mission objectives are is extremely important.

Through the two-day and one-night outdoor experience activities, it not only enhanced the cohesion and overall centripetal force of the employee group, but also established the awareness of active communication, mutual trust, unity and cooperation among employees, and also increased the employees' sense of responsibility.


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